Bobcare Certified Inspections

Preventative Maintenance Minimizes Costly Downtime
The Inside Story on Agland Bobcare Certified Inspection
By participating in an Agland Bobcare Certified Inspection you lessen the chances of DOWN-TIME. Agland's factory trained team of professionals will inspect your equipment, consult with you on necessary repairs and proceed only with the repairs that you authorize. Any machine displaying the "Agland Bobcare Certified" decal has completed the recommended maintenance to keep your equipment in peak performance.
Each year that your equipment completes the Agland Bobcare Certified inspection a new date stamped decal is awarded. The series of decals on your equipment ensures greater resale value when the time comes to upgrade to a newer machine.
Agland Features- Agland Chat - Direct conversations with trained technicians - You choose the repairs completed.
The added value to you comes in the form of:
- Peace of mind, knowing that your machine is work ready.
- Avoid rental costs when machines break down.
- Avoid in season line-ups for service work.
- Eliminate further damage by avoiding the catastrophic failures before they happen.
- Comfort in knowing that your machine was repaired by a factory trained professional.
- Comfort in knowing that only genuine Bobcat service parts were used.
- Increase your machine's resale value.
Agland Inspections - Inspection only
Wheel Skid Steer Machines
Bobcare Price $600.00 Silver $450.00 Bronze $300.00 -
Track Skid Steer Machines
Bobcare Price $700.00 Silver $525.00 Bronze $300.00 -
Bobcare Price $750.00 Silver $600.00 Bronze $300.00 -
Bobcare Price $875.00 Silver $600.00 Bronze $300.00 -
Toolcat™ Utility Work Machine
Bobcare Price $600.00 Silver $450.00 Bronze $300.00
BobCHECK Service & Maintenance Inspections - This includes Oil & Filter changes as per hour intervals
- Bobcheck 50 starting from $700.00
- Bobcheck 250 starting from $900.00
- Bobcheck 500 starting from $1200.00
- Bobcheck 750 starting from $900.00
- Bobcheck 1000 starting from $1700.00
All Bobcare Certified units receive top priority in case of in-season repairs. Machines must be clean to be worked on. All cleaning is extra.